Meet David
Transformational Coach, Leadership Speaker, and Training Expert working to help people across the globe live a happy, successful and purposeful life.
I love seeing people succeed and I'm obsessed with helping you design the life of your dreams
I am here to help you with any challenges that you may be facing on a personal or professional level, with regards to purpose, success, leadership, accountability, mental health, strategic planning, goal setting, management, life balance, etc. If there is a gap between where you are right now and where you would like to be, or if results in your life and in your work aren’t matching up to the efforts that are being put in, I’m just the person you need to get you out of the rut and across the divide between you and your dreams.
I have worked with over 400,000 people around the globe in various capacities. I have conducted over 2000 training and speaking events across 42 different countries, and I have spent countless hours in one-to-one coaching and strategy meetings. My clients are from a large variety of countries—81 countries to be exact—and come from various backgrounds, careers, and walks of life, yet all have experienced breakthroughs in their lives and have enjoyed a measure of success as a result.
Could you be next?
It’s often the smallest things that keep us from experiencing our biggest successes. Paper walls get built up between us and our dreams, when one small, tactical shift will often bring about a whole new reality.
David Thirumur

Dream Life Coaching
It is my deep rooted belief that you are awesome. Yes, you—the person who is reading this—YOU are awesome! Stored up within your soul is potential that can change the world if it is only released. You have as much world-changing power within you as Albert Einstein, George Washington, Mother Theresa, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Thomas Edison, Richard Branson, and the hundreds of others that the world looks up to and admires. You have the potential within you to achieve your dreams, reach your goals, make a difference, and change this world.
Let me help you realise that potential and release it out into the world. Let me help you live the life of your dreams!
Think of me as the advocate for the dreams that you have within you. I will help you discover them and help to give you the ability to go on to fulfil them.
David Thirumur is one of those people who are born for the stage. His first appearances on stage as a child were as a singer and performer. In fact, he won the “Young Performer of the Year” from India’s “Children’s Film Festival” for two years running at the age of six and seven. During his teenage years, his appearances on stage shifted to acting and drama as he participated in theatre while pursuing a diploma in Performing Arts from the USA.
By his late teenage years, however, his passion for making a difference through motivation and coaching shone through and he began to take the stage as a speaker and motivator. Yet, he didn’t leave aside his charisma and his stage presence. Rather, he has learned to weave all his performing knowledge together to make his talks and keynotes a memorable experience.